Our videogrOur videographer services will capture any content for personal/busniess to create a professinal and creative video prodcution. This service is best if you are needing a promotional video, hosting an event or class, interested in rebranding, docuemtnation of a speaical event or occasion, capturing a performance or presentation anything live that you require professional recording of we can service you. Our Content Videography package offers our vidoegrhaper to capture all footage required to prodcue a 2-3 minute video prodcution inclduing editing to best represent your personal/busniess style and needs. The final video prodcution sound has an option of 2 - 3 client song selection(s), no sound or a voice over. All song selection(s) and voice over options are at the discretion of the client and Innova Artis, LLC with considertation of copyright laws.
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