Our team offers media managing services. This service is best if you are needing your website or social platform pages to be managed inclduing the following functionality, evaluate performance, develop, maintain and update content to best enhance and reach your consumers. Our Social Media Manager Basic service offers managemnt of content, funtionality and all factors that contribute to your pages growth per month inclduing uploading, editing and managing content as well. This option is catered to your style and efficent. Our media managers will manage your social media and website 1-2 times per month (client and team member decide most efficent days/times to post/upload/edit). The content visually and text will be at the clients discretion. The cleint can provide our team members with the visual content and text to post. If the client would like visual content to be prodcued and provided from Innova Artis, please ask for those services.
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